Monday, July 26, 2010

I hate to play in the dirt......

This little story should come as no surprise to those that know me well.....especially Mert!!

So, yesterday I was outside in my flower bed (flower bed = dirt) trying to "pretty" things up a bit since we are expecting out-of-town visitors this week.

I had just placed a really cute metal garden trellis in the dirt in front of my front porch and was stepping back to admire my handiwork when I stepped on this stupid plastic croaking frog (picture above = stupid frog).

I lost my balance, slid out of my sandal and scraped the bottom of my foot along the concrete walkway (raw skin = ouch). As I attempted to regain my balance, I managed to kick the porch steps (bruising my toes) then fell sideways onto the porch and scraped my knee (bruises and raw skin together = double ouch).

As my mother stood there asking if I was OK (between giggles) all I could think about was flinging the frog into the next county and how I was going to explain this injury to my coworkers. As it turns out, they have worked with me long enough to know I am a total klutz and are not surprised at any bizarre injury I sustain.......

And the stupid little croaker is still living in my flower bed.......

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