Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lots of pictures today, since I haven't posted in soooo long!! First is a cute little canvas in a simple wood frame, adapted from an older Kim Klassen pattern....I sooo miss her designs!!
Next is three square plaques, adapted from a Sue Allemand ornament pattern
This piece is from a Deb Antonick/Terrye French pattern...I'm planning to do a Santa or snowman on the reverse to make it a 2 season piece.
Love this guy!! This is "Spooky and Friend", also from a Deb Antonick/Terrye French pattern, done on an old cast-iron griddle pan.
And finally, another little canvas adapted from another Kim Klassen pattern. I have also done this pattern on an old book. Very simple and serene.

Be sure and check out my facebook page, PrimWorks (