Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Funky Junk booth

Here are the pics of my booth at the Funky Junk Sisters sale this past weekend. Had a great space (a little chilly, but we managed......) and the sisters were great, as always. Can't wait for next May!!

Next show up is Spanaway Lake High School (held this year at Graham-Kapowsin High School). Nice to have Mert and Susan and Lisbeth close at hand for this show!! Have a couple weeks to paint like crazy to stock up, so look for some cool new things...have a few things in the works right now, and lots of ideas.

At least I will get my trusty Windstar van back for in time for the show. Goes into the shop next week for the recall fix.......very happy I won't have to rent another vehicle....

Talk again soon!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Recovering from Funky Junk

This weekend has been consumed by Funky Junk.....the fabulous Funky Junk Sisters Vintage Flea Market was Friday night and all-day Saturday and now I am exhausted......
We had a nice big booth space and the Sisters are so nice....along with one of the Funky Junk hubbies who so nicely backed my monster rental van in so I could unload inside, out of the rain....
only problem was the temperature....due to the open door, it was mighty chilly, but I am sure they will solve that dilemma by the next show!! Per the Sisters, the next show is planned for the weekend after Mother's Day, 2010. So I will be hitting the garage sales, thrift stores and junk sales in the coming months to find more goodies to re-create.....
Chrissie got some great pics of the booth space, will post soon. For now, I am relaxing....will get back to painting in a day or I have to attack the mountain of laundry that has swallowed my washing more soon.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Getting ready for Funky Junk.........

Here is my latest "cone" creation, a primitive Santa based on a pattern by Cynthia Erekson. (I have also painted another one of her Santa's on a smaller cone.) I really enjoy finding different uses for such unusual surfaces!!

And this is my favorite!!! I am very proud of how this Santa turned out. I drew and re-drew this pattern several times until I had it right. Wouldn't this look great propped up against a porch rail??? Or as a buffet for Christmas dinner......

I have been frantically trying to finish all my unfinished "projects" in time for the Funky Junk Sisters Vintage Sale this weekend. Still have a few more things to varnish, then I'm done!! This weekend's sale is going to be fabulous. We will be in the old Bally's at South Hill Mall. Come visit me in spaces 25 &26 (back wall) to see what has been keeping me occupied lately!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dreary weather.......

So, obviously I've been neglecting the blog lately, I've been so wrapped up in the weather has turned icky and depressing....rain rain go away, etc etc etc. Just a little blue sky is all I'm asking for......

I took today off work to get some things finished before the show this weekend, but thanks to Ford Motor Company, I also have to find an alternate transport vehicle. My handy Ford Windstar van has been recalled!!! Wonderful timing, just over a week before the first show!! So, I'll be on the phone with Budget and UHaul this morning.......

I did get my ironing board Santa finished, and I have to brag, I think he looks wonderful!! I will post pics later today or tomorrow when Chrissie the computer guru gets of these days I have to learn how to do this myself, but it is soooo much easier to rely on the child.....

Monday, October 12, 2009

It's starting to look alot like Christmas.......

So, I finally got my ornaments finished for the Funky Junk Sisters pink Christmas tree!!! Like I said, they asked for one, but I had to be an over-achiever and do three for different reasons.......

The first one is a tin stocking, painted in a cream and pink harlequin check pattern, with a very subtle gold glaze on the cream checks....turned out very cool!! I like this design because is it very "old world".

The second is an old CD I "repurposed", painted pink, and then painted a lacy snowflake design.....(to tell the truth, this is the second one I did----the first one was too flower-y so I had to start over). I did this one to fit in with my "reuse and recycle" theme.

The third ornament is my favorite....this is adapted from an old "Ralph the Reindeer" pattern from the 90's.....I named our girl-y pink version "Mer-Lau" in honor of two dear friends, Mert Gullings and Laurie Boudreaux who have battled/are battling breast cancer. I am awed and inspired by their bravery. I did this one just because. This was a collaborative effort with my daughter Chrissie, who gets all the credit for sewing this, because everyone that knows me knows I don't sew, period!!

I was lazy this weekend and went shopping instead of painting....but had sooooo much fun!! Hit a couple of great sales in the Olympia area, and picked up some nice display pieces and cool "junk" because you never have enough........

I did get a companion piece done to go with the Candy Coneys I posted is a small mummy cone....cute, but I think the Candies are cuter....I still have a few more cone-people planned....just have to find the time to finish them......

Friday, October 9, 2009

Something a little different........

Remember what I said before about unusual surfaces........well, here is one a bit out of the ordinary!!! I was driving down the road one day when I saw a traffic cone and thought it would make a cute candy I went on a search for cones.....yes, I did buy them, I did not "liberate" them from the street!!
The rubbery surface is not the easiest to paint, but after all the work, I think they turned out pretty darn cute!! They have definitely been a hit at work. I'm hoping the will be a hit at the show too!!
After the response, I got to thinking what else I could do with the cones, so I have a couple of other ideas in the works....another for Halloween, and a few for many things I want to do, and sooooo little time left!!
Let me know what you think of the little darlin's.........

Monday, October 5, 2009

New stuff!!

This is one side of a piece of wood I re-purposed. This is adapted from one of Kim Klassen's tag patterns. I love the simplicity of this!!
And this is the front side of the board....from Kim's new "weekly eDitions" pattern club.....couldn't wait to get this painted up!! I love pumpkins......

The back of this piece of wood was so smooth I decided to make it a 2 sided piece and "maximize it's potential" and paint the winter design too........will look great propped up in front of a fireplace, on a shelf, lots of different places......